Sickle Cell


vegetables pattern FI SC

As someone with Sickle Cell, I have grown up to learn how to look after myself as much as I can.  Prior to now, I used to eat anything and anyhow, especially when I was unwell, as the last thing on my mind was food.  But in the last few years, I have learnt to cook and store food in my freezer.  

The reason why I am taking the time to write about your, mine, our eating habit is because I never used to take care of myself and eat well, which did not help my immune system.

Some tips, understand hunger and satiety. Try sitting down to eat, chewing slowly and putting your cutlery down between mouthfuls. Develop an understanding of portion size. Eating off a smaller plate and including plenty of nutrient-rich whole foods,  this will ensure you get all the essential nutrients your body needs.

Develop healthy eating habits and avoid food that is not good for you, i.e chocolates, biscuits, cakes etc…

Fill up on vegetables and other high-fibre foods at each meal and drink plenty of water or again drinks that are good for your body, for example, water and lemon, ginger tea, mint tea, fruit juices (100%) etc… try and avoid fizzy drinks as they are full of sugar.

If you want to snack: eat nuts, pop corns, kale chips, fresh fruits, healthy protein bars, dried fruits, hard boiled eggs, natural yogurts, sliced carrots/celery.

Eat three meals every day and snack healthy during the day when hungry.  Also eat foods with a high water content such as soups, stews and casseroles that can help to promote a good flow of those sickle cell shaped blood all around.

Also cook and freeze your food and so if and when you are sick, you have healthy food in your fridge.

Happy healthy eating.