Sickle Cell


oranges-FI SC


Anyone diagnosed with Sickle Cell, will generally have a low immune system because of not having enough blood in our body and ultimately be deficient in vitamin C.   As you well know, when we have a crisis, our nutrition is impaired, as we are hardly able to eat.  So when on the road to recovery or when well, it is important to fortify one’s body.  

What I have been trying to do in order to help myself, is to eat and drink well.  Today, I want to talk about the values of taking oranges, as they are full of vitamin C.

If you have a list of fruit that you love, let oranges be part of your weekly diet, as they will help you fight infections.  Apparently, it provides 130% of our daily requirements.

What is vitamin C?
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is essential for making skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels, for healing wounds and forming scar tissue, and for repairing and maintaining cartilage, bones, and teeth. The human body cannot synthesize vitamin C so it must be obtained from the diet. The most common disease caused by vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, which is rare in modern society but was historically very common among sailors who had limited access to vegetables and fruits (the primary natural dietary sources of vitamin C).

Oranges can help fight kidney disease and you know that some of the tablets that we take for pain, can affect our kidneys negatively.  If you find yourself coming up with an infection, like a cold or cough, start taking oranges, as they fight off infections;  they also relieve constipation, I don’t know about you but I do suffer from constipation due to the tablets that I take for sickle cell; oranges are acidic in nature but become alkanalized once digested into the body system and this helps to balance out the body.

Do remember to rinse your orange before you eat them, as they are sprayed with insecticides.

Oranges are good for our eyes; someone with Sickle Cell can suffer vision loss or have vision problems and so help yourself by taking or drinking oranges; folic acid is present in oranges and this helps brain development; oranges are good against stomach ulcers, by keeping our stomach and intestines healthy; oranges are a good source of fibre.

 Happy eating or drinking!