Sickle Cell


If like me you grew up in the African continent as a child, and one of your parents was African, you would have had the pleasure of eating yam. I found out while researching about Yam, that Nigeria is the highest producer of yam in the world and it exports 70% to the world market.

As a child, I ate what I was given without any questions, as I trusted my mother to feed me well. Now, as an adult, my business is to find out about what I am eating and how it affects me positively. O yeah! Its all about all roads leading to health and wealth!

So back to our topic of the day, YAM! Can be eaten either roasted, fried or grilled or boiled, its all good to me.
I like to describe yam as the big brother of potatoes, because they are longer, up to several feet. Some are hard and some are soft.

They are cultivated in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Oceania.

Nutritional value content:contains vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, B6, B12 and more). Contains anti-oxidants, carbohydrates, minerals, such as ( Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Copper) and a Iot more…

Whatever way you cook and eat your yam, either boiled, fried or grilled, you will always go for a second helping, it is that tasteful.

It’s time to go buy some at the surpermarket or market and cook some yam! Remember, its all about Sickle Cell and healthy eating.