Sickle Cell


Adzuki beans and Sickle Cell

Adzuki beans and Sickle Cell

Here I was doing my groceries shopping the other day and came across this beans, I had not heard of it and thought to buy it and do some research on it.  Here we go: 

Aduki beans are regarded as the king of beans in Japan and are prized for their health-giving properties: reputedly benefitting the liver and the kidneys. In Japan and China aduki beans are often cooked, puréed and mixed with sugar to make a chocolately paste which is used to fill cakes and desserts.

Sweet and nutty, the adzuki bean is a small red-brown bean frequently used in Japanese desserts. Like other legumes, the adzuki bean is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in protein, fiber and folic acid. Knowing the nutrition information for the little red bean can help you see its benefits in your diet.

A 1/2 cup serving of cooked adzuki beans meets 12 percent of the daily value for iron, 13 percent of the daily value for potassium and 35 percent of the daily value for folic acid. Iron is responsible for getting oxygen to your muscles and organs and also makes up part of the enzymes that help you digest food. Eating more potassium-rich foods like adzuki beans may help improve blood pressure. Folic acid is a B vitamin that is needed to make new cells, and it’s especially important for women of childbearing age.

Like many other beans, adzukis are a good source of magnesium, potassium, iron,zinc, copper, manganese and B vitamins. Also of note is the adzuki’s status as the “weight loss bean,” since they are so low in calories and fat, yet high in nutrition. Additionally, they are relatively easy to digest, so they should not give you gas as other beans do.

Bone Strength: If you want to prevent osteoporosis and delay the onset of “old age”, adding minerals like zinc,copper, and magnesium to your diet can seriously boost your bone strength and prevent bone demineralization. Adzuki beans also contain these important minerals to keep you feeling young!