Sickle Cell


large gingerI really do love ginger, can’t do without it in my home and most especially in my food. There’s always either fresh ginger in my freezer, (wrapped tightly in a freezer bag), or bottled ginger in my fridge or powdered ginger in my pantry.  The point is there will be some form of ginger in the kitchen.

Love to cook with it and I also make ginger tea or a ginger lemonade. I steep peeled fresh ginger in boiling water to make ginger tea and add sugar or honey, I can either have it hot or make a large amount and put it in a jug in the fridge. I sometimes add some lemon into it too.  This drink is particularly of value when you are fighting a cold or flu.

Equally what I am cooking, I will add ginger to the list of seasoning that will go into the preparation for the cooked food, meat, fish, vegetables, rice, stews etc…

Ginger has a long history of relieving digestive and stomach problems, as someone with Sickle Cell, this is a problem that we have, due to the strong painkillers that we take.

Ginger helps with nausea, stomach muscle pain, has anti-inflammation properties, stomach cramps, flatulence, gets rid of throat/nose congestion, indigestion, vomiting and motion sickness and severe pain during period pains.

Remember, variety is the spice of life, I am talking about herbs and spices that you can add  to your food when cooking and they in turn will add value to your life as someone with Sickle Cell.